Majority is Right?

I was blog surfing as usual when I came across a Muslim’s dialogue with a Non muslim playing on the “more reverts to Islam” since 9/11. The Non Muslim obviously quoted some stats and denied that such increase is merely significant and mentioned the propping up of sects which are not in line with the traditional Islam. I realised that we as muslims sometimes have a false idea that popularity (i.e. more reverts to Islam) validates our choice of Ideology.

This sort of mind frame originates from non-Islamic origins, much due to the influence of Western democracy of majority rules. Allow me to give my reasoning! The concept of majority rules/ strength in numbers / one match stick is weaker than 10 in a bundle may appeal to logic but contradicts the very evidence of history which shows otherwise.

Consider the spread of Islam, which started from a few Believers who were constantly scrutinized and terrorised by the non believing Arabs, Jews and other sects in that area. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was also the most popular person in Makkah before he started his preaching (his nickname “Al Amin”, the truthful, his solution to the dispute when Quraish were re-building the Kabah), however after his preaching started, he was boycotted, banished from his town, and attempts of killing him were many. His (pbuh) handful of companions took part with him and witnessed their victory in battle over outnumbered armies, where logic would plead failure. It was only after the State of Islam was established, many would revert to Islam, some areas would even volunteer to give themselves over to the Islamic state from witnessing the benefits their citizens enjoyed.

Consider the life of prophet Isa / Jesus (peace be upon him). His disciples were a handful too. Since the spread of Christianity, during the Spanish Inquisition, Roman Tyrant Constantine put hundreds of thousands of believers to death by torture due to their rejection of his official dogma of pagan Christianity and because they held firm to the monotheistic Christianity. As muslims, we see the obvious corruption in this popular version now and know that majority choice does not validate the choice, neither does popularity.

Similarly, increase in conversion to Islam should not be a source of comfort or strength for muslims. As muslims, we know that Islam is the correct Ideology, and Quran is the word of Allah (swt) and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger. Both Bible and Torah foretold the coming of the Prophet (pbuh) from the lineage of Ismael (peace upon him). Quran could not be refuted by the elite poets of the Prophet’s time (Pbuh) neither could they produce a thing parallel to it. Did I mention the Prophet (pbuh) was illiterate? Also due to the Arabic language and style, they way it sequences and rhymes, explaining a lot in minimum words, all rule out non-arabic sources. In the 20th century, people are finding Quran to contain scientific facts which would have been impossible for our Prophet (pbuh), or anyone at that time to know. Allah (swt) invites mankind to think, study and contemplate, through these intellectual proofs. Once we realise the Quran to be from Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet and messenger of Allah (swt), we have no reason not to be Muslim and we submit. We have to clear the misconception that being a muslim is based on emotions, in fact it is dangerous to use emotions to form the basis of belief, as emotions are fleeting, changing and easily manipulated. Once we realise Allah (swt) created us, we know He (swt) is the best source of guidance on how we, as human beings and a Trustee to his other creations on earth, should conduct and manage ourselves.

Hence, our belief must not waver when we see a decline in reverts or conversion from Islam to other Idealogy, since we have established that we believe in Allah (swt) and we have submitted to Allah (swt) hence it is important that one must believe with certainty. Each person decides and will be asked about his decision in the Grave and on the Day of Judgement. Allah (swt) says:

Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent enclosed them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burnt the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place! (Quran 18: 29)

However the trend of conversion to non muslim should raise an alarm that the remaining muslims are not trying to give Dawah to Islam in its true form to those who came to Islam with little knowledge about it, or those born in a Muslim family but was not given proper education on Islam.

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